Just adding a video on YouTube to describe how I felt personally about using OnePlus One after 3 days. The video is shaky since I’d rarely ever used a smartphone for recording videos, and so I didn’t anticipate for the footage to be so shaky. The footage I’d taken with OnePlus One is raw; meaning I didn’t use Photoshop or any other video quality enhancement feature to make the footage looks better. I want the footage to be pristine just like how it got captured without being edited, showing the real quality of the hardware that I used to capture the footage. Nonetheless, since the video is way too shaky for normal viewing, and so I had to use a stabilizer feature which came with my video editing software to somewhat stabilize the shaky footage. In the future, if I’m ever going to do another video recording session with a smartphone, I’ll definitely put more effort in anchoring myself so the footage won’t be too shaky. Anyhow, check out the video right after the break. Enjoy!!!
Filed under: Gadgets, Hardware, Linux, Mobile, Software Tagged: Android, Android OS, cell, cell phone, gadget, Hardware, Mobile, Oneplus One, personal experience, phone, Software, tech, technology, wireless